Meucci Daytime Road Player Pool Cue 

Meucci Pool Cues
Meucci Original Pool Cue "Daytime Road Player"

This Meucci Original Pool Cue is very rare.   It is called The Daytime Road Player.  It is a light color variation of the Hall of Fame 6 "The Road Player" pool cue. 

The forearm is chestnut stained birdseye maple with four ivorine points.  Each point features a scene of a car driving on a road on the way to the big city.  The butt has multiple inlays in the design of a skyline. 

There are three sets of inlaid "road" rings.  The wrap is solid white Irish linen coated in lacquer. The joint is white phenolic with a 5/16x18 pin.  This cue features a Meucci Pro shaft with 12.75 mm Meucci taper.

These are new cues!

List Price - $1100.00


Meucci Daytime Road Pool Cue $990.00 
 w/ Pro Shaft


Joint Protectors?

Custom Meucci Order Form

Meucci Daytime Road Pool Cue $990.00 

This Cue will be custom made to your specifications - Custom orders will ship in about 3-5 weeks


Choose Custom Options

Shaft  Options - Pro, Carbon Pro, Keilwood, Red Dot, Classic
Shaft  Taper Options
Shaft Length


Meucci Hall of Fame Series Pool Cues